The third Brazilian edition of the conference on "Strategies for Growth: The Changing Role of the State" will convene prominent academics, business leaders and civil society to discuss the strategies for economic growth in the context of fiscal and structural reform policy, monetary and banking issues, and institutional legitimacy and transparency.
Participation in this conference is by invitation only. For more information, contact us at [email protected].
8h45 – 9h00 Registration
9h00 – 9h15 Welcoming Remarks
Edmar Bacha, IEPE/Casa das Garças
Thomas Trebat, Columbia Global Centers | Rio de Janeiro
09h15 – 10h45 Panel 1: “Fiscal and Monetary Challenges in 2019 and Beyond”
Ana Paula Vescovi, Executive Secretary, Brazilian Ministry of Finance: “Fiscal Priorities and Political Realities in Brazil”
Elena Landau, Partner, Law Firm of Sergio Bermudes: “Privatizations, Concessions, and the Future of Stateowned Enterprises in Brazil: New Approaches?”
Patricia Mosser, Senior Research Fellow, Columbia | SIPA: “Monetary Policy and Credit Conditions in the Global Economy: What Should Brazil Expect?”
10h45 – 11:15 Keynote
Arminio Fraga, Former President, Central Bank of Brazil: “Reforming the State in Brazil: New Ideas and Approaches”
11h15 – 11h30 Coffee Break
11h30 – 13h00 Panel 2: “Policies to Promote Innovation and Employment in Brazil”
Albert Fishlow, Professor Emeritus, Columbia | SIPA: “Historical Perspectives on the Dilemma of Growth in Brazil”
Claudio Frischtak, Director, International Growth Center (LSE) and President, Inter.B: “Infrastructure Development in Brazil: Priorities, Possibilities, Problems"
José Alexandre Scheinkman, Professor of Economics, Columbia University: “The Reforms that Brazil Really Needs”
Takatoshi Ito, Professor of International Affairs, Columbia | SIPA: “Macroeconomic Policy and the MiddleIncome Trap: Latin America vs Asia”
13h00 – 14h00 Lunch Break
14h00 – 14h30 Keynote Remarks
Marcos Troyjo, Co-Director, BRICLab, Columbia: “Brazil and the World: New Government, New Directions?”
14h30 – 16h00 Panel 3: “Brazil and the World in 2019: Opportunities, Risks, and Likely Scenarios”
Pedro Malan, Former Finance Minister of Brazil: “How should Brazil open its economy to international competition?”
Jan Svejnar, Director, Center for Global Economic Governance, Columbia | SIPA: “Can Labor Market Reform Stimulate Economic Growth: The International Experience”
Sandra Polónia Rios, Director, Centro de Estudos de Integração e Desenvolvimento (Cindes)
16h00 – Closing Remarks and Reception
Arminio Fraga, Former President, Central Bank of Brazil
Jan Svejnar, Professor of Economics, Columbia | SIPA
José Carlos Carvalho, Paineiras Investimentos